Environmental Protection
Following Israel's commitment to adjust to various conventions for the improvement and protection of the environment, the Knesset enacted several laws and regulations governing rules
and boundaries for the use and exploitation of natural resources by humans.
The main areas are: Sea pollution, hazardous waste disposal, waste disposal, Environmental Impacts Statement, prevention of noise nuisances, business permits, and actions regarding the Clean Air Law.
Our company offers consulting and surveying in these areas, including training the company's personnel and prepare them to meet legal demands.
Following are the laws and regulations:
a. Prevention of Sea Pollution from Land-Based Sources Law, (1988) – Sea Pollution
This law prohibits the dumping or discharge of waste or sewage from land-based sources to sea, unless permit was granted.
b. Business Licensing Regulations (Hazardous Waste Disposal) (1990) – Hazardous Waste
These regulations require factory owners to remove as soon as possible all waste generated in the factory, and no later than six months after its formation, to the plant in Ramat Hovav. The waste should be packed and transported in accordance with the instructions in the above regulations.
c. Maintenance of Cleanliness Law (1984) – Waste Disposal
This law determines that a person may not dispose waste, building waste or scrap vehicles in the public domain, nor from public domains to private domains, and will not liter public domains.
d. Planning and Building Regulations (Environmental Impact Statements), 1982 – Protecting the Environment
These regulations determine that the following plans:
Power plants, airports, seaports, sewage treatment plants, roads, etc,
would not be discussed unless an Environmental Impacts Statement had been prepared and attached to them.
The statement reviews the connection between the suggested plan and the environment in which it will operate, including assessments regarding anticipated impacts of the plan on that environment, and the specific means to prevent those negative impacts.
e. Abatement of Nuisances Regulations (1977) – Noise Measurement.
These regulations define unreasonable noise and the upper threshold of noise permitted, according to the land use type: residential, industrial, etc.
The regulations determine that if noise persists over 9 hours, in the part of the day defined as "daytime", its upper limit shall be limited to 50 decibels [link], in an apartment located in a residential area.
Permitted noise level at night is limited to 40 decibels.
f. Licensing of Businesses Law (1968) – Environmental Protection
This law authorizes the Interior Minister to determine what businesses require licensing, in order to ensure:
The quality of the business environment, proper sanitation conditions, prevention of hazards and nuisance, safety in the business and its environment, prevention of risks for animal diseases and preventing the pollution of water resources with pesticides, fertilizers or drugs.
Among businesses that are obligated to obtain such license are: gas stations, swimming pools, restaurants.
g. Clean Air Law – 2008
The aim of the law is: "to improve air quality and prevent and reduce air pollution, inter alia, by establishing prohibitions and obligations according to the precautionary principle, in order to protect human life, health and quality of life and to protect the environment including natural resources, ecosystems and biodiversity, for the public and for future generations, while considering their needs…"